Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dieting Solo Now

Well I am now on this diet solo, my mom has decided to go to her previous Paleo Diet but has offered to still meet me for weigh-ins and pay for half which is wonderful.  That's real support for you! 

She only has 16 pounds more to go,  I'm really proud of her, she only has a little bit more left to loose. 
I see where she was coming from, she has been going away a lot and is finding not too much she can have at places they eat at.  I know the feeling, I go through that every time we go away, when we are at home it is so much easier.  As a stay at home mom having those ready made foods is super helpful, I'm able to eat healthier than I was before this diet.  I in the past would just grab cookies off the shelf for breakfast or a hot pocket for lunch and now I'm eating better and healthier and feel better too.

So stay tuned for my weigh-in tonight.

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