Thursday, February 28, 2013

Take Shape for Life - Why it is better than Ideal Protein

As you may have read in past posts I am a Take Shape for Life coach because it is an awesome weight loss program that holds the same values as Ideal Protein, there are certainly things I like better about Take Shape than I do on Ideal Protein and here they are:

  1. The ability to sign up from anywhere in the country, you don't have to be a doctor to be a health coach and you don't have to find a center near you that does Ideal Protein. 
  2. Less expensive than Ideal Protein.  The price, averages to $11 a day, no consultation fees attached, order food when you need it and it gets shipped right to your door.
  3. More variety with their food, you are not restricted to one bar a day you can have 5 bars in a day and they taste great!  You can have 5 brownies or chocolate chip soft bakes in a day, you can have 5 pancakes in a day, there are no restricted foods on the plan.
  4. Personal health coach is provided to you free of charge to help as little or as much as you need.  Keeping you accountable on your journey by touching base each week.
  5. The BeSlim program - FREE to you, provides free shipping on all orders over $150, and 4 free boxes of food with your first order $250 or more, and 4 free boxes of food with your 2nd order $250 or more.  It is an optional FREE program but the free shipping alone saves you money.
  6. Customize meals the way you want to, a few rules and the rest of the day is up to you.
  7. Good for people on gluten free diets, people who want extra Omega's, people who are vegetarian or have lactose issues, and people with diabetes can all go on this plan, customizable meal options for people with these issues.
  8. When you have lost weight even within your first month you can be a health coach and mentor others in getting healthy - Ideal Protein only offers this to health professionals not regular people who have been on the diet and want to share their excitement for the program.
Those are 8 Top great answers for joining Take Shape for Life - if you want to gain Optimal Health, if you want a Healthy Mind, and/or if you want Healthy Finances, this is the way to go.
If you are interested in learning more about the program please contact me through this blog, email me: or visit and research the site and fill out "Get More Information".  I am hear to help you on your weight loss goals every step of the way. 

February was a Busy month - My update

Well Everyone,

I am very sorry for neglecting my blog for a month!  I have been very busy finishing up my last month of school and obtaining my degree.  With 2 classes at once, a toddler and 2 businesses to run it was insane but I made it through.

As far as weight loss goes, since I can't remember for the life of me a play-by-play on what I lost each week I can tell you that I am now at 128 pounds, and have just 3 pounds to my goal weight and then they will be dropping me down 5 pounds because you gain 5 pounds back when you start incorporating food once again, it has a lot to do with water gain.  Then its off to Phase 2!! 

I lost myself last week when I had an unplanned cheat and gave into my chocolate stash that I have been saving up for when I am done, do enjoy in moderation of course.  I was so disappointed in myself and even though I still lost a 1/2 pound this week I was still mad at myself for doing it.  But I knew it was the excitement of being so close to my goal and the added stress that I have been experiencing, so at least I knew the cause of it.

Now I am back on track, I'll tell you after the cheat it is a few days of insane cravings and salivation, not fun at all!!

This weekend I am celebrating my graduation but I am planning to be good, even though I really want a cupcake.  Maybe I can save the cupcake for when I'm done with reaching my goal weight. 

So next week you will be hearing from me and continually on a weekly basis from here on out because I don't have school until March 18th (starting my Masters program).  Talk to you all soon.