Well tried Zumba the week of the 9th and loved it! There's a great place I know of got awesome reviews if you are from the Weymouth, MA area or surrounding towns this would be a good place to go. They don't only do Zumba, they also do toning and kickboxing exercises. Zass Fitness go to the site if your interested.
Anyways, I go to my weigh-in and find that my weight loss that week wasn't so much and they tell me why, it is due to Zumba believe it or not. Zumba retains weight because it is so intense and fast moving, until I reach my goal weight I can't go to Zumba, Zumba basically turns fat into muscle and hangs on to it. This diet is getting rid of the fat so I can loose the weight, so they are butting heads. So I can enjoy Zumba again but not until after my goal weight is reached. In lieu of that I signed myself up for Zumba classes in January & February for $50, my town has a recreation department for people who are residents and non residents and provide cooking classes, fitness classes, and informational classes to anyone interested. So I signed myself up, and am looking forward to getting out and not being stuck in the house in the winter time.
In the meantime, it's swimming and walking. I was even going to experiment and try and get myself in the habit of running, by doing a walk run activity a couple nights a week.
Weigh-in results:
Would have been more if no Zumba happened but I did loose 2.6 pounds, I am now down to 188, I also lost an inch off my chest and an inch off my hip, which means Zumba did its job in the loosing inches department.
Looking forward to this next week's weigh-in!
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